High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC answers questions on Trident

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has recently received a number of emails from constituents asking his views on Trident.

Stephen commented “These issues are evidently ones that concern a large number of people in the High Peak and so that as many High Peak residents as possible can know my views on them I have decided to share my answers to the 4 questions they asked specifically more widely”.


The 4 questions asked about Trident are shown below, along with Stephen’s answers in bold.

1) The UK’s submarine-based Trident nuclear weapon system is approaching the end of its operational life. Do you think the UK should replace its nuclear weapon system?

No, it is my opinion that the UK should not replace its nuclear weapon system.

2) The next government will conduct a Strategic Defence and Security Review. Do you think that should consider the possibilities and implications of scrapping and not replacing Trident?

Yes, whilst it is my opinion that the UK should not replace its nuclear weapon system it is only right and proper that such a large decision is fully assessed in terms of its possibilities and implications.

3) The next government will need to attend the nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty Review Conference in New York. Do you think it should support a nuclear weapons convention or ban, similar to those for chemical or biological weapons?

Yes, nuclear weapons have a similar capacity for large scale and indiscriminate destruction and should be considered in a similar way.

4) The next government will have to decide whether to carry out the current coalition government’s projected austerity programme. Do you think spending £100 billion on Trident replacement can be justified?

No, with the public spending cuts that have already been implemented and that are projected to continue, spending such a large sum of money is not justifiable at all.

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC answers questions from Palestine Solidarity Campaign

Israel PalestineHigh Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has recently received a number of emails from constituents via the Palestine Solidarity Campaign asking his views on 7 questions important to them.

Stephen commented “These issues are evidently ones that concern a large number of people in the High Peak and so that as many High Peak residents as possible can know my views on them I have decided to share my answers to these 7 questions more widely”.

The 7 questions asked by the Palestine Solidarity Campaign are shown below, along with Stephen’s answers in bold. Please note that Stephen was requested to answer “Yes”, “No” or “Don’t Know” to each question, and was asked to elaborate if he answered “Don’t Know”.

Indicate if you agree with the following statements

1. I urge the UK Government to uphold the principles of equality, human rights and international law in all its relations and dealings with Israel.


2. I consider the construction of Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land in the West Bank and East Jerusalem to be illegal and unjustifiable.


In achieving these principles, what are your views on the following steps that a future UK Government could take:

3. Do you agree that one of the first acts of the next UK Government should be the recognition of Palestine?


4. Do you agree that the blockade on Gaza should be lifted immediately?

Don’t know. I believe that the blockade should be lifted immediately as the impact upon the innocent civilian population of Gaza of the blockade is intolerable. However I feel some limited “blockade” to address Israel’s legitimate security concerns of Hamas’s access to weapons is warranted. A “blockade” that only prevented the movement of weapons would I believe be the correct answer.

5. Do you agree that we should stop trade with Israel’s settlements on Palestinian land, and stop settlement goods being sold in Britain?

Don’t know. In principle I feel this could be a way to discourage illegal settlement, however I feel in practice it could be almost impossible to enforce and I am not sure that directly targeting the settlers rather than the Israeli Government is the best way to go about achieving change.

6. Do you agree that the EU Israel Association Agreement should be suspended until Israel meets its human rights obligations?

Don’t know. In principle I feel this may be a way to persuade Israel to meet its human rights obligations however I feel that this unfairly targets large swathes of the Israeli population who are not at fault for their governments policies.

7. Do you agree that the government should stop supplying arms to Israel until it complies with international law?

Don’t know. In principle I feel this could persuade Israel to comply more with international law, however in practice I have concerns that just the UK no longer supplying arms to Israel would not have an effect if others continued to supply them.

Liberal Democrat Scientist opposes proposed cut to EU Research and Innovation programme

Horizon 2020 is not a lemon! Stop squeezing it!

science_2High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall is appalled at the possibility that money promised for research in the EU could be siphoned off for “quick win” projects rather than being focussed on long term research for Europe’s future.

EU Commission President Juncker has announced that money will be diverted from Horizon 2020, the EU’s successful research programme, to an as yet undefined project as part of the European Fund for Strategic Investment.

The League of European Research Universities (LERU) has already come out in strong opposition.

Stephen commented “As a research scientist at the University of Manchester I am in full agreement with LERU’s comments on this. Part of my role at Manchester is in our Outreach team where we take demonstrations, lectures and practical workshops out to schools all over the local area. I tell these children that science is not only a fun, engaging and rewarding career option but that it is also incredibly important to our future. The EU makes the right noises on this issue, with rhetoric about the importance of research for our future, but when push comes to shove they are diverting money away from it yet again.”

Since 2007 the UK has received over £5 billion in research funding from the EU and President Juncker’s proposal to “reallocate” £2 billion will be certain to reduce the amount the UK receives in the future, as the second largest recipient of EU research funding.

Stephen added “Scientific research is of vital importance to all of our futures and it should not be held back by people playing politics, the EU either needs to stop cutting away at research funding or stop claiming that they recognise its importance. Science is not a political football.”

Does Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner really want to hear your views?

PCC-logoAlan Charles wanted to hear what you had to say, but only if you’d let him know within 9 days!

Derbyshire’s Labour Police and Crime Commissioner Alan Charles is proposing to increase the council tax for policing contribution by just less than 2%, an increase he can implement without consultation. Any more than 2% and he would have to call a referendum.

Alan Charles was quoted as saying “Anything less than this would result in a greater reduction in police officer numbers and affect the level of service that Derbyshire Constabulary is able to provide – something that nobody wants to happen.”

Whether this statement is true or not the people of Derbyshire should surely still have a say on this and, according to the official website of the Derbyshire Police and Crime Commissioner, Alan Charles did want to hear your views…but only if you completed a poorly advertised online survey that was only available to complete for 9 days!

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall commented “Alan Charles claims he wants to know the views of High Peak residents on this proposed tax increase, but he made it so that the vast majority if us never knew any consultation was happening and made it so short that there was no time for any of us to let our friends and neighbours know about it.

The survey closed today Sunday but you may yet have a chance to give your views. Stephen added “I only became aware of the consultation today but I have emailed the Police and Crime Commissioner for Derbyshire requesting that the survey be re-opened to give as many people as possible the chance to have a say“.

High Peak Liberal Democrats Pick Young Scientist for Parliament!

Stephen Worrall

Stephen Worrall from Charlesworth, currently working towards a PhD in Nanoscience, has been selected by High Peak Liberal Democrats to fight this year’s parliamentary election in May. Stephen was brought up in High Peak and went to Simmondley Primary School and Glossopdale Community College, before gaining a first class Masters degree in Chemistry from the University of Manchester in 2012. Four years ago he stood successfully for Charlesworth Parish Council as a Liberal Democrat and since has twice been elected Chair of the Council.

Stephen told Liberal Democrat members at the selection meeting, “I have been a committed supporter of the Liberal Democrats ever since I was first able to vote in 2009, have worked hard for our Local Party in a variety of roles since becoming a member in 2011, and would be honoured to represent you and the people of High Peak as candidate.”

After having been selected unanimously by Liberal Democrat members Stephen commented, “I believe that our party’s commitment to its core principles both defines us and remains as strong as ever – the freedom of the individual, fairness, equality of opportunity and concern for the long term future of our environment, all of which are dependent on our economy functioning effectively.”

“After the last election at the time of deep recession the party joined the coalition with our eyes open, knowing that unpopular decisions would be necessary, but it was the right decision for the country. However at the same time by being part of Government the Liberal Democrats have succeeded in delivering by far the larger part of the commitments in our last manifesto, something the Liberal Democrat party and its predecessors have not been able to do for a generation. A success made all the greater against the backdrop of the Conservatives’ move away from the modernising agenda proclaimed in their manifesto.”

Concerning local issues Stephen added, “Locally, with no party having an overall majority on High Peak Borough Council, the influence of our fantastic Liberal Democrat Councillors has often been critical. It is vital for High Peak that we not only maintain our hold on council seats in the central part of the Borough, but extend our numbers and influence. I personally will be campaigning hard to make sure this happens and I know that my fellow High Peak Liberal Democrats, who I must thank whole heartedly for giving me this opportunity, will join me in the fight. Together we will continue to serve the people of High Peak to the utmost of our abilities.”