CROSSCANCEROUT_LOGO_BORDERHigh Peak Liberal Democrat election candidate Stephen Worrall
is backing an appeal to help save the lives of more people with cancer in the constituency and across the UK.

With the countdown to the General Election under way, the Liberal Democrat party candidate has lent his support to Cancer Research UK’s ‘Cross Cancer Out’ campaign.

Playing on the idea of a ballot paper, the campaign asks election candidates to help ‘Cross Cancer Out’ by backing a raft of vital measures to ensure cancer patients are diagnosed much earlier and have greater access to the best possible treatments.

Thanks to research, survival rates have doubled in the UK in the last forty years. But with more and more people being diagnosed, Cancer Research UK says determined political action is urgently needed to save more lives.

Stephen Worrall PPC for High Peak said: “We must not underestimate the devastating impact that cancer will have on families in High Peak now and in the future. The good news is cutting-edge research carried out by charities like Cancer Research UK is turning the tables on the disease, but it is clear there is a critical role for politicians to play in helping to detect cancer earlier and bring innovative new treatments to patients faster.

“The political drive to beat cancer must match the pace of progress in research. That’s why I’m backing the ‘Cross Cancer Out’ campaign and joining the fight to beat cancer sooner.”

Sarah Woolnough, Executive Director of Policy and Information at Cancer Research UK said: “We know the earlier patients can be diagnosed and access the treatments they need, the more lives will be saved.

“The next Government’s decisions will affect how fast and how far we progress in the next five years, towards our goal of beating the disease. It is a big ambition but we know with the right political support we will get there sooner – so we’re asking all local election candidates to make a commitment to ‘Cross Cancer Out’ and help ensure no-one’s life is cut short by the disease.”

For more information and ways to get involved in the campaign, visit cruk.org/crosscancerout or join the conversation on twitter #CrossCancerOut.

Standing up for people affected by MS

MSHigh Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall is supporting the campaign to improve awareness and support for MS sufferers.

Over 100,000 people in the UK live with MS, a neurological condition that affects roughly three times as many women as men.It’s essential that they have timely access to the right treatment, care and support, no matter where they live. Unfortunately, this is not happening. Awareness of the condition is abysmally low, and for people with MS, accessing the right support can be a daily battle.

Stephen commented “I am proud to be standing up for people affected by MS in the High Peak and elsewhere. A family member of mine suffers from, thankfully currently only mild, MS so it is a campaign I can relate to personally”.

In Europe, just Poland and Romania have lower access to disease modifying treatments for MS than the UK. Between 2008 and 2013, over 90,000 disabled people lost access to care and support. More than a third of people with MS have been incorrectly placed in the Work Related Activity Group (WRAG) for Employment and Support Allowance (ESA). People in this group receive less money, the threat of and many have this benefit removed after a year.

Stephen commented further “I find it particularly shocking that in Europe only Poland and Romania have lower access to disease modifying treatments for MS than the UK, and the huge number of MS sufferers (and those with other disabilities) who have lost access to care and support is a disgrace.”

“If elected I would work to give MS a voice, fight for people with MS to access the care they need when they need it, fight to ensure that assessments for disability benefits work for people with MS and work to ensure that people with MS can access the right treatment at the right time.”

I care about warm homes. Do you?

warm homesHigh Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has joined Age UK’s campaign for warm homes.

Stephen commented “Like many of you I find it deeply concerning that each winter in this country one older person dies every seven minutes from the cold weather and that many more become seriously ill due to living in a cold home. In fact I would go so far as to say it is a disgrace.”

“That is why I can confirm that I have contacted the party to call on them to make “home energy efficiency an infrastructure investment priority in its manifesto and commit to bringing at least 2 million low income homes up to EPC Band C by 2020 and all 6 million low income homes up to this standard by 2025”.

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC gives his views on the proposed Tax Dodging Bill

tax dodging billHigh Peak Liberal Democrat PPCStephen Worrall has recently received a number of emails from constituents asking his views on the proposed Tax Dodging Bill.

Stephen commented “This issue is clearly one that concerns a large number of people in the High Peak and so that as many High Peak residents as possible can know my views I have decided to share them more widely”.

The Tax Dodging Bill Campaign (http://taxdodgingbill.org.uk/the-bill/) is calling on whoever forms the next Government in May to introduce a tax dodging bill in the first 100 days after the election. This campaign is made up of a broad coalition of seventeen organisations (http://taxdodgingbill.org.uk/whos-with-us/) and aims to:

•       Make it harder for big companies to dodge UK taxes and ensure they’re not getting unfair tax breaks
•       Ensure UK tax rules don’t encourage big companies to avoid tax in developing countries
•       Make the UK tax regime more transparent and tougher on tax dodging

These measures could raise funds to help tackle poverty both in the UK and in developing countries.

Stephen commented “Like many of you I find it very concerning that such huge sums of money are lost to countries all over the world, not just here in the UK, via large companies taking part in “tax avoidance” schemes. Whilst legally tax avoidance and tax evasion are different entities I believe that morally there is little if any difference between the two. You can therefore probably already tell that I am definitely within the 85% of the UK public that feel “tax dodging” is morally wrong even if it is legal!”

“I feel those supporting the “Tax Dodging Bill Campaign” and calling on the next Government to introduce a “tax dodging bill” in the first 100 days after the election are doing the right thing, and I will be adding my support. The three main proposed outcomes of the proposed “tax dodging bill” are not only desirable for moral reasons but as you the additional money raised could help tackle poverty throughout the world, and that alone would be worth implementing such a bill for. If elected I would support the progress of such a bill in Parliament.”

It’s time to Cross Cancer Out

CROSSCANCEROUT_LOGO_BORDERHigh Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has joined the fight to “Cross Cancer Out”.


Cancer Research UK are campaigning to improve UK cancer survival to be the best in the world,  to obtain determined political action in the next Parliament to improve early diagnosis and access to the best, innovative and evidence-based treatments for all cancer patients. They are specifically calling for:

  • Continued support for campaigns to raise public awareness of the signs and symptoms of cancer;
  • A commitment to increase participation in the national bowel cancer screening programme;
  • Equal access to innovative radiotherapy, surgery and effective cancer drugs, including drugs targeted to patients’ tumours.

Stephen commented “As an individual I have experienced the sadness of seeing loved ones lost to cancer as well as the sheer relief and joy that only a loved one being given “the all clear” can give you, and thanks to the work Cancer Research UK and others have done more people than ever are surviving cancer. It is vital that more and more people continue to survive cancer and that’s why I am supporting Cancer Research UK’s campaign to “Cross Cancer Out”.

Boost for Buxton economy as final piece in place for Buxton Crescent Development


Buxton_Crescent_1Final £2 million needed for the conversion of the Grade I listed Crescent into a 79 bedroom 5 star spa hotel confirmed

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has welcomed the announcement from the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) that the £22.2 million expansion to its Growth Deal, agreed with the Government, includes the final piece of funding necessary to allow the go ahead of the long delayed Buxton Crescent development.

The D2N2 LEP, which overs Derbyshire, Derby, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham, has now had £196.2 million invested in it by the Government as part of the Growth Deal funding projects all across the two counties.

Stephen commented “It is great to see that the Liberal Democrat commitment to Growth Deals in government is enabling local communities to have more power over how funding to boost their local economies is spent. “

The £2 million will finally allow for the Grade I listed buildings to be brought back into use as a hotel and spa development, boosting the visitor economy and delivering a projected 140 direct jobs.

Stephen added “I am excited to see how the development progresses and I look forward to seeing the finished article and hopefully staying there myself one day in the future!”

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC gives his views on Human Rights


High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has recently recieved a number of emails from constituents asking his views on Human Rights Issues as part of an Amnesty International Campaign.

Stephen commented “These issues are evidently ones that concern a large number of people in the High Peak and so that as many High Peak residents as possible can know my views on them I have decided to share my views on the 2 topics they wanted to know my views on specifically, more widely”.

The 2 topics about Human Rights Issues are shown below, along with Stephen’s views in bold.

1) The Human Rights Act

I will like Amnesty International be standing up for the Human Rights Act this election. I believe is of vital importance as the UK would be a lesser place without it, I would be ashamed if the UK was no longer a signatory to it.

2) The use of torture by world governments

I will like Amnesty International be standing up to stop torture across the world this election. It is a disgrace that in our supposedly “civilized” world that something so barbaric as torture is still performed so ubiquitously.The two faced approach of many governments, sanctioning it whilst denying it, if anything makes this even worse.

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall is supporting the campaign for Flood Free Homes

flood free homesStephen Worrall is supporting the campaign for Flood Free Homes which launched on Tuesday 20th January. The campaign has been launched by the Association of British Insurers, supported by Friends of the Earth, Know Your Flood Risk, National Flood Forum, and the Property Care Association’s Flood Protection Group. The aim of the campaign is to raise the issue of long term flood defence investment and land and water management.

Flooding has long been recognised as the greatest natural threat the UK faces. With Environment Agency data showing around 2 million homes in England and Wales at flood risk now from the rivers and sea, with over 500,000 of these at ‘moderate’ risk or greater, and around 2.4 million additional homes at risk of surface water flooding, we know this is a serious problem facing the country today.

Without action to reduce the risk across the UK, the effect on our homes, businesses, communities, infrastructure and way of life is potentially devastating.

Stephen said:

“I am supporting the campaign for Flood Free Homes which calls for effective management of our land and water. I know the devastating impact that flooding has had on the constituents of High Peak, I can remember the floods in Glossop for example not all that long ago, and I want to make sure that home-owners and local businesses do not suffer from destructive floods in the future. We need ambitious long term solutions to ensure that our communities are protected.”

Huw Evans, Deputy Director General at the ABI, said:

“The need for this campaign to address the UK’s rising flood threat has never been more important. No action is not an option. Last winter’s floods highlighted the trauma and devastation flooding brings. How we manage our land and water has to become central to government decision making across the UK, whoever is in power.

“Without adequate long-term investment in flood defence protection that reflects the increasing threat, a zero tolerance towards building in flood risk areas and political agreement, too many communities will continue to live with the constant fear of flooding.”

Flood Free Homes is campaigning for:

  • By 2025 £1 billion per year to be spent managing flood risk in order to keep pace with climate change.
  • A zero tolerance of inappropriate new developments in areas at risk of flooding.
  • Cross party consensus on ambitious long term solutions that manage all types of flood risk.

How to get involved and find out more information

Notes to Editors

  1. The Flood Free Homes Campaign is a campaign led by the Association of British Insurers (ABI), with support from a number of other organisations. The ABI is the voice of the UK insurance industry, representing general insurance and long-term savings and life insurance. The ABI has over 250 members, which account for around 90% of the UK insurance premiums. The ABI and the organisations supporting the Flood Free Homes Campaign are not affiliated with any political party, nor do they endorse the views of any political party or its individual members.
  2. For information about the campaign or any of the supporters, please contact Malcolm Tarling tarling@abi.org.uk 020 7216 7410 Mobile: 07776 147 667 or Caroline Jones caroline.jones@abi.org.uk 020 7216 7327.

High Peak Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate supports charity’s call for better mental health provision


High Peak Liberal Democrat parliamentary candidate Stephen Worrall has backed calls for better provision of support for local people in mental health crisis. Mind, the mental health charity, is calling for local services to deliver on their promise to improve the support for people who are suicidal, self-harming or in psychosis.

Last year, national and local governments, and leaders of key services in England, including health, police, and voluntary organisations, signed the Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat, an agreement that sets national standards for the care of people in mental health crisis.

The Concordat aims to make sure that no matter where someone turns, they get the help they need and don’t fall through the cracks between different services. Key organisations in Derbyshire have since come together to sign their own local declaration agreeing to achieve the Concordat standards and are now preparing a local action plan to deliver them.

Stephen said “I am supporting Mind’s campaign to improve crisis care and will be monitoring progress on our local Concordat declaration to make sure that good intentions are made a reality for everyone trying to access crisis care.”

Paul Farmer, Chief Executive of Mind, said: “In a mental health crisis, your mind is at melting point. You may experience extreme anxiety, have suicidal thoughts or even a psychotic episode. It can happen to anyone. When you’re in crisis you need compassion and understanding, no matter who you turn to for help – whether it’s health and ambulance services, the police, social care or voluntary organisations.

“Signing a local Concordat is the first step in improving services but we need to see these good intentions translated into better services for everyone in crisis. We need the next government, and the next set of MPs, to provide clear leadership and resources to make sure the Concordat’s standards are achieved and local action plans delivered so that excellent crisis care is available everywhere.”

More information about the Concordat, including details about the local area’s declaration, can be found at www.crisiscareconcordat.co.uk

Notes to editor

About Mind:

  • Please note that Mind is not an acronym and should be set in title case. www.mind.org.uk
  • Mind has a confidential information and support line, Mind Infoline, available on 0300 123 3393 (lines open 9am – 6pm, Monday – Friday)
  • Please contact the Mind Media Team for interviews or further information on 0208 522 1743. For out of hours support please call 07850 788514 or email the media team on media@mind.org.uk.

Mental Health Crisis Care Concordat: the joint statement

We commit to work together to improve the system of care and support so people in crisis because of a mental health condition are kept safe and helped to find the support they need – whatever the circumstances in which they first need help – and from whichever service they turn to first.

We will work together, and with local organisations, to prevent crises happening whenever possible through prevention and early intervention. We will make sure we meet the needs of vulnerable people in urgent situations. We will strive to make sure that all relevant public services support someone who appears to have a mental health problem to move towards recovery.

Jointly, we hold ourselves accountable for enabling this commitment to be delivered across England.