All PPC’s have been asked to sign the Simpol pledge in this election and I have done so as I believe that “Simpol is such a simple idea, yet I believe it could be incredibly powerful. Global problems require global solutions and this could well be the way to get to these solutions.” A copy of the pledge which contains more information about Simpol is included below.
As a candidate for the UK Parliament, I pledge my support for the Simultaneous Policy (Simpol) campaign. At this stage, my support for Simpol is given only in principle and signifies my support for Simpol as a process for bringing the governments of all or sufficient nations together around a common global framework for cooperation to address the major global problems we face. I will encourage my party and its members to join this global initiative.
The Simpol framework comprises the following features:
1. Global co-operation: Appropriate policies to solve global problems are to be implemented by nations simultaneously, only when all or sufficient governments have agreed to do so. Simultaneous implementation avoids any nation suffering a competitive disadvantage. If all nations move together, all nations and their peoples win;
2. Subsidiarity: Only those policies likely to result in a significant first-mover competitive disadvantage (i.e. those requiring a simultaneous approach) are included. Policies implementable unilaterally by nations remain excluded, so assuring appropriate subsidiarity and preserving national sovereignty;
3. Give and Take: International negotiations would combine multiple global issues together, such that nations that may lose on one issue can gain on another;
4. Equality: Democratic and non-democratic nations participate in the process on an equal basis (which is evident since the co-operation of all, or virtually all nations, is required);
5. Democracy: If there is sufficient worldwide support for the process in principle, citizens in democratic countries will be invited to participate, if they wish, in the formulation of any policies to be taken up by their government in negotiations, and their agreement to any policies that may be agreed in negotiations will be sought prior to their implementation.
6. Complementarity: The Simpol process does not conflict with established international treaties or with processes such as those pursued by the United Nations. Rather, it works in parallel, so offering an alternative route to co-operation should these processes fail.
Should the Simpol succeed in gathering sufficient in principle support from enough nations, I understand that any policies negotiated under this process will be subject to my further written agreement before I would be willing to vote in Parliament for their implementation.
I further understand that I may cancel my Pledge at any time in writing by notifying Simpol- UK and that Simpol-UK or the International Simultaneous Policy Organisation may make my Pledge – or any cancellation of it – known publicly and particularly to Simpol supporters in my country or region. I am making this Pledge in my own name (not in that of my party*).