Supporting Britain’s Waterways Heritage

logo-footerThe Inland Waterways Association has been calling on all PPCs to support their five point partnership, and has been listing those who do on their website. I’ve supported the partnership, the five points of which are shown below. The sections in bold are the commitments the IWA want PPCs to make.

1. Protect our Heritage Many of Britain’s canals and rivers were built at the height of the industrial revolution and are home to over 2,700 listed structures, 50 scheduled ancient monuments and five UNESCO world heritage sites. It is vital that planning and development proposals properly take account and protect this unique heritage. We ask that future Members of Parliament ensure that future planning legislation takes account and protects the unique heritage of the waterways.

2. Build a Local Relationship with Constituency Waterways Groups There are many voluntary groups whose members use and promote the waterways for the benefit of the wider community including restoration groups, boat clubs, and IWA local branches. We ask future Members of Parliament to support local waterways groups in their constituency.

3. Work with IWA in Parliament – Join the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Waterways At a National level IWA ensures our waterways have a strong voice in Parliament. We speak to Government and opposition parties and deliver briefings on matters relevant to our cause. The All Party Parliamentary Group for the Waterways brings together MPs and Lords to scrutinise Government, Canal & River Trust, Environment Agency and other bodies. We ask that future Members of Parliament join the All Party Parliamentary Group for the Waterways and take an active role in the proceedings of the Group.

4. Support the Transfer of Navigations Currently Managed by Environment Agency to Canal & River Trust. We welcome the 15 year funding (from 2012) for Canal & River Trust. IWA wants to see the Government deliver its stated commitment to transfer Environment Agency (EA) navigations into Canal & River Trust, this will help put the EA’s more than 600 miles of navigable waterways onto a sustainable funding basis. In its 2014 report, the All Party Parliamentary Group on Waterways called for this process to begin in the next Parliament. We ask that future Members of Parliament press the Government of the day for early implementation of the transfer of EA’s navigable waters to Canal & River Trust.

5. Support Affordable New Off Line Moorings In some areas of the country leisure and residential moorings are in short supply and the costs are beyond the reach of many people. IWA wants to see an increase in the number of affordable off line moorings to meet this need. We ask that future Members of Parliament encourage the Government to look at new ways to promote affordable moorings.

The Countryside Alliance, where we agree and where we disagree

CAThe Countryside Alliance have asked for all PPC’s views on their manifesto and whilst I am supportive of the vast majority of their campaigns there are some I oppose.

I agree wholeheartedly that our countryside is a national asset and that ensuring the future viability of our rural communities is vital. I am fully supportive of the Alliance‘s campaign on Digital Communications, this issue is something I have had increasing involvement with in recent months having spoken on it at Rural Action Derbyshire’s AGM and liaising with a constituent whose business is being hampered by broadband problems.
I am also fully supportive of the Alliance‘s campaigns on Food and Farming, Rural Communities and Rural Services where all their calls make a huge deal of sense and I support each and every one.
Where I can not support the Alliance is in their campaign on Wildlife management, whilst some of the points are most sensible and agreeable I am firmly opposed to the repeal of the hunting ban.

A Walking Britain

After receiving a number of emails about the Walking Britain campaign High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall gives his views.

I’m afraid I don’t get out walking as much as I would like due to a large number of other commitments, however I do manage to get out reasonably frequently to walk my girlfriends dog around where we live in Charlesworth. In terms of other specific places away from Charlesworth I personally very much enjoy the walk around Mossy Lea and (whilst not technically in our area) the walk down from Marple Road into Etherow Park I find particularly relaxing, particularly on a quiet day when it can feel like your the only ones around.

Personally I very much support the creation of a “Walking Britain” and think that the next government should, as part of a wider commitment to promoting active and healthy lifestyles, promote the benefits of walking, I also think that we need to ensure that our best walking areas are not lost, either through development of land or neglect, however a little development to improve access to some fantastic “walking spots” would be beneficial.

I know, as do we all, that regular walking is good for you but the numbers are truly staggering in terms of the advantages:

* Regular walking can reduce the risk of developing heart disease, stroke, diabetes, Alzheimer’s and some cancers by between 20 and up to 50%.
* Walking can reduce the chances of developing depression by up to 30%.
* In addition, walkers spend over £6 billion a year, supporting up to 245,000 full time jobs

Of all the benefits of walking it is hard to choose the most important to our area as all are I believe vital. If you pushed me I think I’d have to say the improved health it brings as this has so many knock on benefits to the local area and to the whole country.

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC gives his views on Animal Welfare

Highifaw-rev-logo_horiz_color_spelled Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has recently received a number of emails from constituents asking him to complete a survey on his views on Animal Welfare issues as part of an International Fund for Animal Welfare (IFAW) campaign.

Stephen commented “These issues are obviously ones that concern a lot of people in the High Peak and I think therefore it is only right, fair and proper for as many residents as possible to know my answers to this survey as we head towards election day. That is why I am sharing my answers here.”

The survey consisted of five questions to which PPCs could respond Yes, No or Don’t Know. The questions are set out below as well as Stephen’s answers in bold.

1)            If you were elected, would improving the welfare of animals be one of your top priorities?


2)            Do you think that the UK should continue to lead international efforts to combat the illegal  trade in endangered wildlife and wildlife products?


3)            Do you support an end to commercial whaling?


4)            Do you think the Hunting Act should remain in place?


5)            Would you be likely to support initiatives to better protect native wildlife species?


Boost for Buxton economy as final piece in place for Buxton Crescent Development


Buxton_Crescent_1Final £2 million needed for the conversion of the Grade I listed Crescent into a 79 bedroom 5 star spa hotel confirmed

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall has welcomed the announcement from the D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) that the £22.2 million expansion to its Growth Deal, agreed with the Government, includes the final piece of funding necessary to allow the go ahead of the long delayed Buxton Crescent development.

The D2N2 LEP, which overs Derbyshire, Derby, Nottinghamshire and Nottingham, has now had £196.2 million invested in it by the Government as part of the Growth Deal funding projects all across the two counties.

Stephen commented “It is great to see that the Liberal Democrat commitment to Growth Deals in government is enabling local communities to have more power over how funding to boost their local economies is spent. “

The £2 million will finally allow for the Grade I listed buildings to be brought back into use as a hotel and spa development, boosting the visitor economy and delivering a projected 140 direct jobs.

Stephen added “I am excited to see how the development progresses and I look forward to seeing the finished article and hopefully staying there myself one day in the future!”

High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall is supporting the campaign for Flood Free Homes

flood free homesStephen Worrall is supporting the campaign for Flood Free Homes which launched on Tuesday 20th January. The campaign has been launched by the Association of British Insurers, supported by Friends of the Earth, Know Your Flood Risk, National Flood Forum, and the Property Care Association’s Flood Protection Group. The aim of the campaign is to raise the issue of long term flood defence investment and land and water management.

Flooding has long been recognised as the greatest natural threat the UK faces. With Environment Agency data showing around 2 million homes in England and Wales at flood risk now from the rivers and sea, with over 500,000 of these at ‘moderate’ risk or greater, and around 2.4 million additional homes at risk of surface water flooding, we know this is a serious problem facing the country today.

Without action to reduce the risk across the UK, the effect on our homes, businesses, communities, infrastructure and way of life is potentially devastating.

Stephen said:

“I am supporting the campaign for Flood Free Homes which calls for effective management of our land and water. I know the devastating impact that flooding has had on the constituents of High Peak, I can remember the floods in Glossop for example not all that long ago, and I want to make sure that home-owners and local businesses do not suffer from destructive floods in the future. We need ambitious long term solutions to ensure that our communities are protected.”

Huw Evans, Deputy Director General at the ABI, said:

“The need for this campaign to address the UK’s rising flood threat has never been more important. No action is not an option. Last winter’s floods highlighted the trauma and devastation flooding brings. How we manage our land and water has to become central to government decision making across the UK, whoever is in power.

“Without adequate long-term investment in flood defence protection that reflects the increasing threat, a zero tolerance towards building in flood risk areas and political agreement, too many communities will continue to live with the constant fear of flooding.”

Flood Free Homes is campaigning for:

  • By 2025 £1 billion per year to be spent managing flood risk in order to keep pace with climate change.
  • A zero tolerance of inappropriate new developments in areas at risk of flooding.
  • Cross party consensus on ambitious long term solutions that manage all types of flood risk.

How to get involved and find out more information

Notes to Editors

  1. The Flood Free Homes Campaign is a campaign led by the Association of British Insurers (ABI), with support from a number of other organisations. The ABI is the voice of the UK insurance industry, representing general insurance and long-term savings and life insurance. The ABI has over 250 members, which account for around 90% of the UK insurance premiums. The ABI and the organisations supporting the Flood Free Homes Campaign are not affiliated with any political party, nor do they endorse the views of any political party or its individual members.
  2. For information about the campaign or any of the supporters, please contact Malcolm Tarling 020 7216 7410 Mobile: 07776 147 667 or Caroline Jones 020 7216 7327.