Horizon 2020 is not a lemon! Stop squeezing it!
High Peak Liberal Democrat PPC Stephen Worrall is appalled at the possibility that money promised for research in the EU could be siphoned off for “quick win” projects rather than being focussed on long term research for Europe’s future.
EU Commission President Juncker has announced that money will be diverted from Horizon 2020, the EU’s successful research programme, to an as yet undefined project as part of the European Fund for Strategic Investment.
The League of European Research Universities (LERU) has already come out in strong opposition.
Stephen commented “As a research scientist at the University of Manchester I am in full agreement with LERU’s comments on this. Part of my role at Manchester is in our Outreach team where we take demonstrations, lectures and practical workshops out to schools all over the local area. I tell these children that science is not only a fun, engaging and rewarding career option but that it is also incredibly important to our future. The EU makes the right noises on this issue, with rhetoric about the importance of research for our future, but when push comes to shove they are diverting money away from it yet again.”
Since 2007 the UK has received over £5 billion in research funding from the EU and President Juncker’s proposal to “reallocate” £2 billion will be certain to reduce the amount the UK receives in the future, as the second largest recipient of EU research funding.
Stephen added “Scientific research is of vital importance to all of our futures and it should not be held back by people playing politics, the EU either needs to stop cutting away at research funding or stop claiming that they recognise its importance. Science is not a political football.”